dirty BJ

It was Steph's last night and everything began innocently enough. Someone special got her something special. Yes, that's right, enormous chocolate pies, which she decided to share with everyone.

Then came some Scrabble Black Jack and everything started to head to the gutter from there.

Steph bet her best assets,'Tits', what she so demurely declared "What God so generously gave me".

Johnny made it quite loud and clear what he wanted:
'Nude Babe Jump On'

And well, Kevin's bet was just weird:
'Mulllet Tongue'

LOL. Johnny definitely looks better in the Fro.

The bets during one of my dealing rounds. See what a college education can get ya. Hehe... I got 21 both times I dealt so cleaned up all the bad words. Yay!

A collection of memorable bets.


At 5/24/2006 9:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always love your comments! "Someone special".... yeah...and the "What God so generously gave me." LOL


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